Search Results

All search results for . 16221-16230 of 19547 results.

INFORMS NEWS: Nicholson Student Paper Competition
...Nicholson Student Paper Competition winner Linwei Xin (second from left) ...

INFORMS O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition
...This INFORMS competition that provides real-world workplace experience for ...

Beth West

INFORMS NEWS: Three receive Undergraduate Operations Research Prize
...Aurelie Thiele (far right), chair of the Undergraduate Operations Research Prize...

The secret indicator of a bad CEO: His golf game

February | Volume 43 | Number 1
...The following table of contents lists articles in the February 2016 edition of&...

INFORMS NEWS: CDC, Georgia Tech, Emory team up to win Wagner Prize
...Eva Lee, Georgia Tech.A team comprised of researchers from the Centers for ...

INFORMS NEWS: Doing Good with Good O.R. Student Paper Competition
...Chenxi Zeng (third from left) won the Doing Good with Good O.R. Student Paper ...

INFORMS NEWS: Moving Spirit Award
...David Hunt (l) presents Moving Spirit Award to Daniel Reich.Citation: During the...

INFORMS NEWS: Fora Moving Spirit
...Dionne Aleman (l) receives Fora Moving Spirit Award from David Hunt.Citation: ...