Make a Difference at INFORMS

Make a difference at INFORMS 

INFORMS is led by volunteer members, which means your involvement can help shape its future in ways both large and small.

INFORMS is governed by a Board, and the Board relies on the work of committees to share insight and make decisions across the various areas of the organization.

Find a Committee

Our peer-reviewed journals require many experts to serve as Senior and Associate Editors, and Editorial Review Board members. View individual journal sites to find contact information for the Editors in Chief.

Find Journal Opportunities

Do you have advice to share and time to give? Mentor Match is always seeking mentors to guide mentees through a structured twice-yearly program. Mentees will define their professional goals and plan to achieve them with their mentor’s help.

Enroll as a Mentor

Volunteering is a great way to hone your skills while expanding your network and doing good in the world. Pro Bono Analytics links data experts with non-profits that want to make better use of their data. 

Join the Volunteer Pool

INFORMS has dozens of subgroups called communities, which are categorized by topic (sections and societies), geography (chapters and student chapters), and non-technical interest area (forums). Visit the websites of the communities that interest you to find current opportunities.

View Communities
Micro Volunteering
Micro Volunteering

Even if you only have 15 minutes, an hour, or a day to give, you can make a meaningful difference at INFORMS! Contact Jill Capello ([email protected]) to join our mighty team of micro volunteers.

INFORMS offers free use of our speaker program to chapters, student chapters, and other members who want to engage an expert for a personalized, virtual presentation. If you have expertise to share, consider joining our speaker directory. 

Enroll as a Speaker
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