Trump rally shows limits of airport-style security at political events
Threats are harder to detect and prevent at outdoor events.
BALTIMORE, MD, January 13, 2025 – A groundbreaking new study in the INFORMS journal Transportation Science reveals the severe and far-reaching consequences of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on global food security. The research highlights an urgent need to address disruptions in the transportation of Ukrainian grains, which have caused dramatic price spikes and worsened food insecurity worldwide, particularly in vulnerable regions such as the Middle East and North Africa.
In December, the US Congressional-Executive Commission on China issued its annual report, accusing Hong Kong of eroding freedoms and aiding Russia in its war against Ukraine. These allegations sparked speculation about potential United States sanctions, including disconnecting Hong Kong from the SWIFT worldwide banking system, which could trigger a depegging of the Hong Kong dollar (HKD) from the US dollar (USD). However, such extreme measures are unlikely, as they would require support from the European Union and other allies and could destabilize the global financial system. In fact, depegging the HKD from the USD would more likely be triggered by a significant dwindling of reserves in Hong Kong rather than a drastic US policy shift.
The final week of the NFL regular season has a handful of teams jockeying for playoff position. Just one upset loss can move a team from hosting a first-round game to an early offseason.
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Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
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Threats are harder to detect and prevent at outdoor events.
Sheldon H. Jacobson: What can the FAA and TSA do to handle spikes in flyers?
We all know that the Trump-Biden debate exposed the limitations of President Biden, and that Donald Trump has problems with the truth. Since then, several Democratic lawmakers have called for Biden to step aside in favor of someone who can better articulate the party platform and provide a more robust figure for voters to rally around and support in the general election against Trump.
Cutting ocean freight carbon emissions will require collaboration and effort
In hard-to-reach areas, the fast-moving tech is streamlining emergency deliveries, from blood for transfusions to snakebite antivenom.
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