Treasure Hunt
When it comes to analytics, Polly Mitchell-Guthrie has a long track record. She is vice president of industry outreach and thought leadership at Kinaxis, a supply chain management and analytics software company.
BALTIMORE, MD, November 12, 2024 – New research in the INFORMS journal Manufacturing & Service Operations Management is guiding the development of more inclusive and efficient electricity markets. The work demonstrates how aggregating small-scale, distributed energy resources (DERs) like solar panels can effectively balance the power of large utility companies.
In December, the US Congressional-Executive Commission on China issued its annual report, accusing Hong Kong of eroding freedoms and aiding Russia in its war against Ukraine. These allegations sparked speculation about potential United States sanctions, including disconnecting Hong Kong from the SWIFT worldwide banking system, which could trigger a depegging of the Hong Kong dollar (HKD) from the US dollar (USD). However, such extreme measures are unlikely, as they would require support from the European Union and other allies and could destabilize the global financial system. In fact, depegging the HKD from the USD would more likely be triggered by a significant dwindling of reserves in Hong Kong rather than a drastic US policy shift.
The final week of the NFL regular season has a handful of teams jockeying for playoff position. Just one upset loss can move a team from hosting a first-round game to an early offseason.
An audio journey of how data and analytics save lives, save money and solve problems.
Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]
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When it comes to analytics, Polly Mitchell-Guthrie has a long track record. She is vice president of industry outreach and thought leadership at Kinaxis, a supply chain management and analytics software company.
Scientists and engineers of Chinese descent are relinquishing their corporate positions or tenured positions at top-tier U.S. institutions such as Harvard, MIT, and Princeton at an unprecedented rate. To make matters worse, many of them are leaving for China to compete against the United States. More than 1,400 Chinese scientists left the United States for China in 2021.
Failure has become unacceptable, and that is a tragedy. Failure provides some of the greatest lessons that each of us will ever learn. How many of us in our youth exhibited judgment that we find distasteful today? Experience is a painful teacher, but the lessons learned are invaluable.
Politics always ranks high on the list of controversial topics. With the midterm elections just weeks away, the economy, gun policy and violent crime are the top three issues of concern to voters. In Canada, a National Post poll ahead of her 2021 federal election put the cost of living, health care costs and the post-pandemic economic recovery as the top three issues. These lists reflect the differences and similarities between the two countries.
“Shark Tank,” the popular prime-time ABC network business reality program, started its 14th season Sept. 23 with a new twist: It was broadcast with a live audience. The results of this change were highly vocal spectators much like what you would find at a professional wrestling event, with the Sharks often serving as the defacto gladiators.
OR/MS Today is the INFORMS member magazine that shares the latest research and best practices in operations research, analytics and the management sciences.
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